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히잡 에디션 (Hijab Edition) 이라는 점이 신기해서 관련 기사를 찾아 보았다.
when I was traveling in Bail, I saw the Hijab shampoo at supermarket.
I was wondering what is the Hijab Edition shampoo, so I serching what it is.
: What is the Hijab Shampoo?
히잡 샴푸란?
Hijab shampoo a hit with young Indonesian women
JAKARTA - The image of the hijab is changing from an outmoded religious garment into a fashion accessory for many young Muslim women in Indonesia as a new generation of designers is making the traditional headscarf in modern colors and patterns.
자카르타 - 히잡의 이미지는 변하고 있습니다 / 유행에 뒤떨어진 종교적인 격식에서 / 패션아이템으로 / 많은 무슬림 여성들에게 / 인도네시아에서 / 새로운 세대의 디자이너들로부터 / 만들어지는중입니다, 전통적인 머리스카프가 / 모던한 색상과 패턴으로.
>> 새로운 세대의 디자이너들로부터 전통적인 머리스카프가 모던한 색상과 패턴으로 만들어지면서, 인도네시아에서 많은 무슬림 여성들에게 히잡의 이미지는 유행에 뒤떨어진 종교적인 격식에서 패션아이템으로 변하고 있습니다.
In a country where temperatures reach above 30C throughout the year, however, wearing a headscarf can cause excessive sweating leading to unpleasant odors.
하지만, 1년에 온도가 30C를 넘나드는 나라에서 머리스카프를 쓰는 것은 지나친 땀을 발생시키거나, 불편한 냄새를 일으키기도 합니다.
Companies have been responding with specially developed products that are becoming popular. The local unit of Unilever, the Anglo-utch daily goods producer, has introduced a shampoo under its Sunsilk brand. It has a fresh scent, one slightly stronger than ordinary shampoo, according to a shop clerk. It is designed to make the smell of sweat less noticeable.
회사들은 대응하고 있습니다 / 특별하게 개발된 제품들로 / 인기를 얻고 있는 / the Anglo-utch 생활제품 제작자인 현지 법인인 Unilever는 소개했습니다. 샴푸를 / Sunsilk brand 이름으로 / 이것은 프레쉬한 향기가 조금더 강합니다. 일반 샴푸보다 / clerk shop 에 따르면, 이 샴푸는 현저하게 땀 냄새가 덜 나도록 디자인 되었습니다.
Different types of the shampoo are available depending on hair type. A 170-illiliter bottle of the product sells for 19,800 rupiah ($1.50) at a large supermarket in Jakarta, which is around the same price as other Sunsilk products.
Hijab shampoo is popular mainly among women in their 20s, a shop clerk said. It is also available from local brands such as Sariayu.
In Indonesia's big cities, Muslim fashion is booming as many younger women visit hijab shops and other stores selling traditonal clothing. A door has opened for new goods and services catering to them. 원문출처 클릭
Hijab shampoo advert
A UK beauty blogger says she's delighted to be part of a "game-changing" new campaign for shampoo that features her wearing a headscarf.
Amena Khan is the first woman in a hijab to be part of a mainstream advert for hair care.
She told Newsbeat: "It's a platform for diverse voices and women who don't fit the very narrow mould of beauty."
She hopes the campaign, for L'Oreal, will empower young women.
Amena features alongside other women and celebrities in the advert, including Cheryl Tweedy and Dougie Poynter.
She told Newsbeat that using a woman whose hair is hidden sends a positive message.
"You're doing it for yourself and you don't have to show it off to the rest of the world to validate that you care about yourself," she said.
Amena hopes her involvement in the campaign will give young women who wear headscarves a sense of "belonging, acceptance and being seen".
"To say that, actually, there's a voice here that we're valuing even more so than what we see on the outside.
"How great of a message is that to send to every young girl out there?"
Diversity in advertising
L'Oreal isn't the first big name brand to embrace diversity in its adverts.
Representing as many different people of colour, faith and sexuality as possible is now seen as crucial to a campaign's success, according to the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA).
Pepsi was one of the first mainstream brands to try to appeal directly to African-American audiences in the 1940s.
But it wasn't until after the civil rights movement, in the early 1970s, that more major companies attempted to cash in on black America.
Some of those adverts may now seem to rely on stereotypes but at the time they were groundbreaking for their attempts to reach out to new audiences.
The 1970s was also the first time major African-American stars, including ex-NFL player OJ Simpson and comedian Bill Cosby, were brought in by advertisers to help sell their products.
It took until 1994 before advertisers felt comfortable enough tackling a gay relationship in an advert though.
Swedish furniture company Ikea is thought to be the first big brand name to use a gay couple to help sell its products.
The advert was part of a campaign that also featured a divorced mum, and was intended to "make the point that everyone is welcome at Ikea", the company's US advertising chief said at the time.
Amena believes the L'Oreal campaign is another positive step in advertising.
"I feel like this year there has been a change in the tide about the way women are represented in advertising," she says. "The way we are given a voice is changing." 원문보기
> 이케아는 가족이라는 정의에 다양성을 둔 캠페인을 계속 하였으며 그것에 관한 자세한 내용을 아래 링크에서 찾아볼 수 있다.
The Swedish global brand has used all elements of the LGBT spectrum (and more) in their campaigns, often in a positive way show to their support, but sometimes in a 'funny' way, that was perceived as hurtful. In any case, it was noticed, both by the commun
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